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Entry Fees, General info Etc.

1. There will be a driver meeting before each pull event

2. We will discuss class changes such has combined class or weight

tolerances during drivers meeting.

3. Drivers must register before the drivers meeting.

4. $15.00 per hook, payback for top (3) places in each class. Late Fee of $10 per puller if not registered 30min  before scheduled start time.

5. No points will be tallied.

6. Tractor can jump up a class but can only run twice per pull.

7. You may weigh your tractor and check hitch prior to the pull. When the pull

begins line up and cross the scales for class being run. All other classes are

not to be in the road of the scale for the class being run at the time, only the

next class. Please try and keep it orderly. Once you have weighted and are

lined you may not add weight or fuel.


Contestant Rules

1. Drivers will operate his/her tractor in a safe manner and in such a

manner to be always in full control in or out of the pit area.

2. Someone must be in the seat of any tractor as long has its started.

This includes when the tractor is started for tuning purposes.

3. Driver must have at least one hand on the steering wheel at all


4. Driver must always keep both feet on footrest.

5. Careless driving in the pits and along the track on pulling tractor or

pullback vehicle will not be tolerated.

6. Drivers must stop immediately when the red flag drops.

7. Driver must wear shoes (feet must be covered). 

8. Sled operator will pull kill switch if they feel safety is in


9. Fire suit must be worn if running alcohol.

10. Exhaust must discharge vertically unless a stock muffler is used.

11. All pulls must start with a tight chain.

12. Hood and grill must be in place on all garden tractors.

13. Loss of weight is ground for DQ. Nut covers, bolts etc. do not apply.

14. Weight must be stationary from all movement.

15. No nitrous Oxide in any classes.

16. If you can't pass safety/tech you don't pull.


Contest Rules

1. A puller may have more than one tractor in the same class.

2. Tractor will be running when sled comes back and be ready to hook when the sled stops unless track maintenance is being performed.

3.  If tractor fails to run, driver has the option to drop to the last. Except last signed in puller of the class who will come under the three minutes maximum time to hook the tractor to the sled.

4. False start is 75 feet from the starting line.

5. If the weight on the sled is changed after first puller in the class, the first puller has the option to come back and be the first puller again, or drop to fourth puller in the class. If the first puller drops to fourth, then the second puller becomes the first puller and has the option. The first puller in each class has the option to take the pull or drop to the 3rd or last position. If the first puller is DQ on his/her tractor, he/she does NOT get the option.

6. If any part of the tractor touches out of bounds, he/she is DQ.

7. If the track has a floating finish, there is no out of bounds where the   end of the track extends beyond chalk lines or described borders.

8. No alcohol consumption before or during the participating pulling


9. All tractors must weigh in right before they pull and stay in the pit

area until their turn.

10. No super tuning besides the pit area at a safe distance from



General Tractor Rules

1. All tractors must have a sufficient device to prevent the tractor from turning over. Either skid plates or dolly wheels must be used one on each side of the drawbar. Wheels must be at least 4" diameter 1" wide. Skid plates must be at least 5" from the back edge of the rear tires. The bottom of the wheel or skid plate must not be more than 5" above the ground.

2. No part of the wheelie bar device should interfere with the sled chain.

3. Stabilizer/bumper bars. When using wheels, the center of the wheel must be 5" behind the face of the tire. (Wheel size 4'' diameter x1'') vertical bumper bar must be even with or behind the back face of the wheel. (skid pads should be 2" wide 3" long.)

4. Maximum tire size 26 x 12x 12. (Except on the open mini rod classes) No dual, chains, or studded tires allowed.

5. Maximum length of the tractor is 8ft measured from the center of the rear axle and forward.

6. All tractors must have a working kill switch fastened to the tractor that doesn't interfere with weight or sled hitching device.

7. Draw bar height will be 13" from the point of contact to the ground.

8. Hook point in drawbar must be a minimum of 1.5 " and maximum of 2" in diameter of hole made of at least 3/8 plate material, and hole must not be more than 3/4 of an inch forward from the back edge of the hitching device. No part of the hitching device will be any further forward then the center of the rear axle. The hitching device must be stationary of all movement. An area 5" wide (2.5'' on either side of the hitching device) and 12'' high (6" above and below the center of the hitching device must be free of all obstructions. Hitch hole must be complete circle no open backs.

9. Tractor must have a working break.

10. Tractor will have a fuel shut off between tank fuel pump or engine.

11. Tractor fuel line must be kept away from hot engine components.

12. Any engine that has pully on the PTO end of the Crankshaft must have a bolt and washer in place to prevent the pulley from coming off the end of the crank should it come loose. Pulleys on open RPM tractors must be billet steel or billet aluminum, no pressed steel allowed.

13. All tractors must have deflector shields made of at least 3/16''Aluminum or 1/8'' steel to cover the clutch and flywheel 360 unless it is a stock 4000 RPM or running stock flywheel housing and clutch and or belt shields.

14. Open RPM tractors Singles: Engine must have a scatter shield opposite the cam side of the motor. (3/16'' Aluminum or 1/8'' steel) It must cover the full height and width of the block, and be attached secure manner to the frame.

15. Open RPM Twins: Engine must be shielded by (3/16'' Aluminum or 1/8'' steel) it must cover both sides of cylinders extending from head gasket to frame and be attached secure manner to the frame.

16. Tractors must have a working kill switch. The connector must be fitted with a ring 1.5''.

17. Tractors must have a 1.5 lb. dry chemical working fire extinguisher or equivalent is required. A gauge on fire extinguisher is required and a recharge tag not more than two years old. They can either be dry chemical or CO/2 type.

18. All stock tractors over 4000 RPMS must have a steel flywheel and be shielded.

19. All tractors must have full fenders with a least 4'' lip.

20. Stock clutch shield should not be allowed in any other class other than stock.

21. Rules are in effect when puller/drive pulls on to grounds of the event.

22. Any tractor may pull in a class above if they meet the requirements of the class.

23. Must have spherical rod ends (heim joint) on all steering linking.

24. Please use common sense and make your tractor SAFE.

25. Helmets must be worn for all kids under 12 years old, and on any open RPMS tractors




Kids Stock 16hp and under:


1. All general and Safety rules apply. (Must be 5-12 years old)

2. The Maximum RPMS for this class is 4000 RPMS for 15 and 16HP, and 4250

RPMS for 14 HP and below. RPMS will be tested. Steel flywheels recommend.

3. Must run service station pumped gasoline.

4. V-Twins not allowed.

5. Must maintain stock appearance and utilize stock sheet metal.

6. Stock head must retain factory gasket lip.

7. Factory Carb for engine it is being used on. No intake standoffs allowed.

8. All Stock tractors must be commercial lawn and garden type with commercial built stock engines with a max of 30 over stock bore and stock internals parts, rear end, and transmission. .330 max cam, stock valves.

9. Frame can be modified for engine swap, but rear end must remain in the factory position.

10. Wheelbase is 52'' max length is 8ft from center rear axle to the farthest point.

11. May have help with clutch and getting tractor in gear.

13. 26x12x12 pro tire allowed.


25HP and under- 23”


1. All general and Safety rules apply.( Must be 8 years old)

2. Maximum RPMS is 4250.

3. Race gas allowed (no alcohol)

4. Maximum of 25HP rating flat head or Twin. (Must use factory stock carb for engine)

5. Tire size 23” bar tire (no pro tires allowed).

6. Frame can be modified for engine swap, but rear end must remain in the factory position.

7. Wheelbase is 52'' max length is 8ft from center rear axle to the farthest point.

8. Must maintain stock appearance and utilize stock sheet metal.

9. Head must retain factory gasket lip.

10. Factory Carb for engine it is being used on. No intake standoffs allowed.

11. All Stock tractors must be commercial lawn and garden type with commercial built stock engines with a max of 30 over stock bore and stock internals parts, rear end, and transmission.


HOT STOCK TWIN 25 HP and Under


 1.  25hp and under two cylinder only

2.  Billet steel flywheel mandatory

3.  Any ignition type

4.  Naturally aspirated stock down draft carb (high speed adjust needle aloud)

5.  Stock bore and stoke 3.3" bore x 2.64" stroke

6.  Billet pistons

7.  .355 total valve movement (stock lift cam)

8.  Heads may be trued and can run copper head gaskets/ o ringed surface

9.  Must run no thicker than .030 intake manifold gasket, stock manifold must bolt direct to stock ports

10.  Porting and polishing aloud

11.  No reverse port engines

12.  Pump gas or aviation fuel only-NO alcohol

13.  Stock size valves


Stock V-Twin 25 HP and Under


1. All general and Safety rules apply. (Must be 8 years old)

2. Maximum RPMS is 4250.

3. Race gas allowed (no alcohol)

4. Maximum of 25HP rating flat head or Twin. ( Must use factory stock carb for your tractor engine)

5. Engines are limited to stock stroke and bore 30 over.

6. Frame can be modified for engine swap, but rear end must remain in the factory position.

7. Wheelbase is 52'' max length is 8ft from center rear axle to the farthest point.

8. No fuel injection, carbonation only.

9. No dome piston allowed.

10. 26x12x12 pro tires allowed.


Stock 16HP and Under


1. All general and Safety rules apply. (Must be 8 years old)

2. The Maximum RPMS for this class 4250 RPMS

3. Must run service station pumped gasoline.

4. V-Twins not allowed.

5. Must maintain stock appearance and utilize stock sheet metal.

6. Stock head must retain factory gasket lip. (Steel flywheel recommended)

7. Factory Carb for engine it is being used on.  (No intake standoffs allowed)

8. Engines are limited to stock stroke and bore 30 over. No more than .330 cam, stock valves.

9. Frame can be modified for engine swap, but rear end must remain in the factory position.

10. Wheelbase is 52'' max length is 8ft from center rear axle to the farthest point.

11. 26x12x12 pro tire allowed.



Hot Stock 16hp Singles


  1. All general and Safety rules apply. (Must be 10 years old)

  2. Race gas allowed (no alcohol)

  3. Engines are limited to stock stroke and bore 30 over. Stock head, Stock valve and .330 cam.

  4. Steel flywheel required

  5. Mechanical or electrical fuel pump are allowed

  6. No velocity stack or extensions are allowed

  7. Maximum 1.0 '' venturi carburetor

  8. May run inserted stock rod.

  9. Wheelbase is 56'' max length is 8ft from center rear axle to the farthest point.

  10.  26x12x12 pro tire allowed.


Sport Stock Twin


  1. All general and Safety rules apply. (Must be 12 years old)

  2. Race gas allowed (no alcohol)

  3. Engine must not exceed 39 Cubes.

  4. No dome piston allowed.

  5. Stock head may be reworked

  6. No two-barrel manifolds and no aftermarket manifolds allowed.

  7. Vertical intake carbs adapter is allowed.

  8. No cutting or welding on manifold

  9. No reverse port engine allowed.

  10.  Manifold and carburetor must go to the original stock port.

  11.  No aftermarket heads

  12.  Must use stock intake and exhaust bolt pattern and location.

  13.  Engine must use stock lift cams, stock length valves, and stock rocker arms.

  14.  Aftermarket lifters are allowed but must be flat tappet, no roller lifters.

  15.  Stock downdraft carburetor may only have adjustment needle added. May rework, Max 1.00 Venturi. No other type of carburetor allowed.

  16.  Wheelbase is 56'' max length is 8ft from center rear axle to the farthest point.


Missouri Super Stock


1. All general and Safety rules apply.  (Must be 12 years old)

2. Flathead engine with stock block, aftermarket blocks allowed.

3. Maximum bore 3.830", Maximum stroke 3.25”, 37.7 Cubic Max.

4. Open valve size. Billet head allowed.

5. Stock appearing Kohler carb with a maximum venturi 1.200"

6. No injection, naturally aspirated only.

7. Standoff pipes and ram tubes are permitted.

8. Wheelbase is 56'' max length is 8ft from center rear axle to the farthest point.

9. Methanol only



30 CUBE (950lbs 13’’)

1. All general and Safety rules apply.  (Must be 12 years old)

2. Maximum 30'' Cubic Max. Single cylinder is defined as any tractor having one cylinder, air cooled four cycle, flat head, two valve same side of engine.

3. No reverse port engines

4. Any type of naturally aspirated induction is permitted.

5. Methanol only

6. Wheelbase is 56'' max length is 8ft from center rear axle to the farthest point.


Stock Altered

1000lbs 13’’

1. All general and Safety rules apply. (Must be 12 years old)

2. Single cylinder four cycle flathead engines only.

3. Aftermarket blocks allowed.

4. Engine must have factory production or their OEM replacement factory deck height.

5. Stock head bolt pattern = stock head gasket must fit over studs or bolts.

6. Stock head location and head size.

7. Maximum crankshaft stroke 3.25"

8. Maximum bore is 3.780"

9. 36.5000  Cubic inch limit.

10. Maximum valve size 1.380"

11. Maximum valve lift .330

12. Maximum carburetor venturi size 1.00"

13. Carburetor must be mounted to the engine with no more than 1" spacer.

14. No reverse port engines.

15. Carburetor must be stock appearing.

16. Billet heads allowed.

17. Porting and polishing allowed.

18. No external welding or external modification allowed.

19. All thread through finned area is acceptable.

20. Welding permitted in crankcase area on the block for repair.

21. Methanol only.

22. Wheelbase is 52'' max length is 8ft from center rear axle to the farthest point.


PRO V-Twins


  1. Maximum engine size is 45.5 cubic inches

  2. Engines with aftermarket and welded stock heads will run at 1000LBS with 12.25” hitch. Stock head engines with no welding will run @ 1050lbs with a 13” hitch. On stock head only minimal epoxy will be allowed, no excessive use on the external portion of the intake port. Maximum allowable amount would be an area of not more than 1 square inch her head. Intake manifold must bolt directly to the stock intake flange on the head with a maximum of .030 thick intake gasket. Adapters or flange extensions are illegal. Switching of heads from one model and type to another is illegal.

  3. Wheelbase is 56'' max length is 8ft from center rear axle to the farthest point.

  4. Methanol or Gas

  5. Carburetor: Limited to 1, with 1 venturi with 1 throttle butterfly. Maximum venturi size will be 1.200”. No air entering after the 1.200” restriction.

  6. Wheelbase is 56'' max length is 8ft from center rear axle to the farthest point.

  7. All general and Safety rules apply. (Must be 12 years old)



39 Cubes V-twin

  1. 39 cubic in Max.

  2. Cylinder Head: Must be stock head with no external welding. Maximum allowable amount would be an area of not more than 1 square inch her head. Intake manifold must bolt directly to the stock intake flange on the head with a maximum of .030 thick intake gasket. Adapters or flange extensions are illegal. Switching of heads from one model and type to another is illegal.

  3. Wheelbase is 56'' max length is 8ft from center rear axle to the farthest point.

  4. Methanol or Gas

  5. Carburetor: Limited to 1, with 1 venturi with 1 throttle butterfly. Maximum venturi size will be 1.200”. No air entering after the 1.200” restriction.

  6. All general and Safety rules apply. (Must be 12 years old)

Pro V-Twin Hitch Heights

  1. Aftermarket or welded Heads 1000LBS 12.25” hitch

  2. Pro V stock head 1050lbs 13” hitch

  3. 39 Cube 1075lbs 13” hitch

  4. Gas Pro V Stock Head 1075lbs 13’’


We will run the Pro V Twin Class unless we have enough twins and singles for 2 class.


Pro Stock


  1. 50.5 cube max.

  2. Single cylinder only

  3. Aftermarket blocks allowed.

  4. No reverse port engines.

  5. Stock appearing Kohler type carburetor, Limited to 1, with 1 venturi with 1 throttle butterfly. Maximum venturi size will be 1.200”. No air entering after the 1.200” restriction.

  6.  Methanol only.

  7.  Wheelbase is 56' max length is 8ft from center rear axle to the farthest point.

  8. 48 Cubes stock 1.2 Carbs will run in this class.

  9. All general and Safety rules apply. Must be 12 years old.


Super Stock


  1. 50.5 cube max.

  2. Single cylinder only

  3. Aftermarket blocks allowed.

  4. No reverse port engines.

  5. Any type of naturally aspirated induction is permitted.

  6. Methanol only.

  7. Wheelbase is 56' max length is 8ft from center rear axle to the farthest point.

  8. All general and Safety rules apply. Must be 12 years old.


PST (Pro-Super-Twin)


  1. Pro Stock 1075lbs 13”

  2. Super Stock w/ carb 1020LBS 12.5 hitch

  3. Pro V Stock Head 1000lbs 12” hitch

  4. 39 Cubes 1000lbs 12.5” hitch


Open 1050lbs

  1. Any tractor that can make 1050lbs.

  2. Wheelbase is 56' max length is 8ft from center rear axle to the farthest point.

  3. All general and Safety rules apply. Must be 14 years old.



750cc down (1300lbs)

751cc up (1250lbs)

  1.  All general and Safety rules apply. (Must be 16 years old)

  2. Gas or Methanol

  3. Allow turbos not blowers.

  4. Snowmobiles can pull in class, but only one engine.

  5. Motorcycle engines only. 

  6. No Centrifugal clutches

  7.  All tractors must be equipped with dead man throttle.

  8. Maximum length 8’ overall, from center rear axle forward including extended weight bar.


Open Mini Rod


  1. All general and safety rules apply. (must be 16 years of age)

  2. No RPM limits

  3. Maximum of 4 Cylinders

  4. Maximum length 8’ overall, from center rear axle forward including extended weight bar.

  5. Methanol or Gas

  6. No Multiple engines

  7. Allows turbos

  8. Must have lockout device to keep tractor from starting in gear.

  9. Must have either a scatter blanket or minimum 3/8 in steel covering over bell housing, unless SFI certified. U-joints should also be shielded.

  10. All tractors must be equipped with dead man throttle.


Expedition V8 Mini Rod

  1. All general and safety rules apply (must be 16 years of age)

  2. No RPM limits

  3. Maximum of 8 Cylinders

  4. Maximum length 8’ overall, from center rear axle forward including extended weight bar.

  5. Methanol or Gas

  6. All tractors must be equipped with dead man throttle.

  7. Naturally aspirated engines only.

  8. Must have lockout device to keep tractor from starting in gear.

  9. Must have either a scatter blanket or minimum 3/8 in steel covering over bell housing, unless SFI certified. U-joints should also be shielded.

  10. Draw bar 1” plate steek minimum at 1.5 “ and maximum 2” diameter hole. 1” from back edge of the draw bar with 3/8 minimum cable around the diameter of the hole. The hitching device must be stationary of all movement.

  11. Harmonic balancers – minimum 1” plate 360 degrees around ¼ material with one 1 x 1/4” material across face or minimum of four 1 x ¼ tabs.

  12.  Skid plate 2 x 4” plate material 1/8 minimum attached in two points, one on each side within 6” front tires.


Governed Twin 60 Cube

  1. All general and safety rules apply (must be 12 years of age)

  2. Garden Tractor type engines only (No Block Briggs)

  3. 56" max wheelbase, 8ft total length from center to back axle

  4. Gasoline only-pump gas, non-oxygenated VP fuels No E85  

  5. Max tire 26"X12X12  Pro tires allowed

  6. 60 cube max regardless of bore and stroke

  7. May run after market pistons flat or dish

  8. No roller camshafts or rockers

  9. No outside welded heads, no recast, billet or plated heads

  10. Stock manifolds only 2-barrell, plastic, horizontal or vertical Must have factory part number barrel carbs are permitted as long as they came on the engine OEM

  11. RPMs are not to exceed 4500 with working governor

  12. Steel flywheel 32lbs max


(Light Pro-Stock Deisel)

  1. NQS Rules Apply

  2. 1200lbs 55 Cube inch and under

  3. 1150lbs  55 Cube inch and over

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